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Natural History Museum

25 Nov 2019

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Natural History Museum

A special, one-off show at London’s Natural History Museum to celebrate the release of Everyday Life. All proceeds from the show went towards the work of ClientEarth, an environmental charity which uses the power of the law to protect the planet and its people.

Read R42’s blog below.

Photo: R42 Photo: R42 Photo: R42 Photo: R42 Photo: R42 Photo: R42 Photo: R42 Photo: R42 Photo: R42
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There’s a mere few hours between the Natural History Museum being in its day to day layout, full of the general public – and later when its been fully transformed into a gig, complete with lights, stage, sound system and band gear (including seven foot grand piano!).⁣ ⁣

The intervening time is possibly the most bonkers load-in I’ve ever been part of in all my years of roadie-ing. There’s seemingly hundreds of folks yelling, a PA system belching blasts of white noise and poor old Jose trying to tune the piano in amongst it all.⁣

It’s very much like trying to build a house of cards on top of a hyperactive tumble dryer with a giant countdown timer strapped to your eardrums. ⁣

It’s a very Coldplay thing really, when what should be a disaster coalesces into something truly sublime. I’m told the show was beautiful, powerful and even “perfect”. ⁣

Me – I’ve no idea. I’m still recovering….


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