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Pilton, UK

25 Jun 2005

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Guy Berryman
Guy Berryman

Previous Glastonbury experiences had been somewhat stressful affairs for the band, with navigational troubles in 1999 and new-material jitters in 2002. This then, was perhaps the first ‘grown up’ Glastonbury experience. I’d hesitate to go as far as ‘slick’ – it’s just not that kinda gig…

It most certainly wasn’t in 2005, with torrential weather in the preceding days leaving the site with the vague feel of a documentary on World War II trenches. It is in many ways the stuff of legend, though. The rain and the mud become part and parcel of the experience and the communal spirit is lifted, if anything.

Emily Eavis is the daughter of Michael Eavis, the farmer who started the whole festival. She is now hugely instrumental in the whole operation – as well as being deeply involved in the charitable organisations associated with the festival, including the Make Trade Fair campaign, as she explains in the video above.

It’s always a milestone playing Glastonbury – and it’s always a huge relief for it to have gone well. It’s not so much the fear of screwing up as much as it is the potentially crushing disappointment of not rising to the occasion – not doing it justice.

The smiling faces evident in the photos below though, give some idea of how gratifying it must feel when the audience tell you you’re not doing too bad at all.


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